Escape the Matrix
Tips, Tricks, and Sweet Marketing Mojo!

“My entire entrepreneurial goal is to earn the maximum in a minimum of time, and help like minded people do the same.” -Dave Sherwin

You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.” -Morpheus
What if the whole lifestyle most people have subscribed to it completely wrong? Ever heard of the 40/40/40 plan? People work for 40 years, averaging $40,000 a year, to retire on 40% of that? Yuck. Not for me. Life is on now, and I want to enjoy it now, AND in retirement. No putting off the fun until I’m too old to enjoy it, we all get one turn on the spinning blue ball, I want to make the most of mine!

Online marketing has been my ticket out of the rat race, and now I want to pay it forward to you. Want a number one ranking website? Done. Need to master Social Marketing? No problem. And just for good measure, what’s the point of having time and financial freedom if you don’t have good health? So I share some of my coolest health supplement, diet and health tips here too.

So whether you’re interested in our array of online Search Engine Optimization (SEO) solutions that provide amazing ranking results, a top ranked marketing blog, or you’re looking for general rocket fuel tips and tricks for social marketing, it’s all here.

But, there’s one thing you won’t find here- THEORY. If it hasn’t been thoroughly tested in our labs, and worked SPECTACULARLY well, we don’t do it, teach it, or pass it on. In my early years online I thought I was a “Guru” and told people stuff I learned from other Guru’s and marketing courses. What a bad mistake. It took me years to realize what a bunch of money hungry fakes many of them are. Or maybe they are legit, but for a short period of time. Hero to Zero.

I never was successful online until I became 100% results oriented and focused, and you won’t either. If you are interested in creating a long term, sustainable online money machine, you can’t mess around and waste your time with the latest fads and tools.

So, you won’t find any of that stuff here. If it isn’t backed up by analytics, we toss it.

The bottom line…

My personal goals include making the maximum amount of cash in a minimum of time, while maintaining excellent health so I can enjoy time with my wonderful wife and family, and travel, golf, ski, and compete at a national level in my psychotic main sport, triathlon.

So if you relate to any of this, you’re in the right place. So check out the site and blog. No hype, no bull, no theory, just sweet online marketing mojo that works.